Join us
Time:2019-11-28 | Number:1

  Duties of Administrative Commissioner:

  1. Responsible for file management, drafting of documents, assisting superior leaders to handle preparations for corporate meetings or events, writing meeting minutes, etc.

  2.Responsible for the reception of guests;

  3. Responsible for the company's environmental sanitation management, greening management, house repair, decoration management and other comprehensive affairs;

  4. Responsible for the procurement and daily management of office supplies, gifts, sanitary supplies and other items to avoid loss and waste of company assets;

  5. Responsible for the management of the company's vehicles and the management of the driver, including vehicle scheduling, use, maintenance, and ensuring the safety of vehicles and people;

  6. Responsible for the management and use of the company's office equipment;

  7. To complete other administrative affairs and other tasks assigned by the leadership.

  job requirements:

  1. Have a strong sense of enterprise and ambition;

  2. Full-time enrollment of undergraduate degree or above, university graduates in 1985 and 211 are preferred; human resources management, administration, Chinese language and literature, advertising and other related majors are preferred;

  3. Post-90s, have good professional ethics;

  4. Unlimited work experience, fresh graduates are preferred;

  5. Agree with corporate culture, diligence, dedication, affinity, strong communication skills, and strong ability to analyze and judge;

  6. Xiao's surname is preferred.

Bowei Building, No.1 Xuefu East Road, Xiangfang District, Ha
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