Join us
Time:2019-11-28 | Number:1

  Duties of Security Commissioner:

  1. Responsible for the supervision, inspection and guidance of the safety and civilized maintenance of each project department.

  2. Organize regular and irregular safety inspections, check the safety and civilized maintenance of various project departments across the country, issue rectification notices for detected accidents, rectify within a time limit, and supervise implementation. When major dangers are encountered, The right to order production suspension and rectification, and report to the leaders in charge.

  3. Participate in or chair safety conferences and production coordination meetings, assist the president and safety director to arrange, inspect, and summarize safety work.

  4. Organize the formulation of safety production rules and regulations, annual work safety planning, and supervise the implementation of rules and regulations.

  5. Carry out publicity and education on safety maintenance, and conduct safety education on outreach teams, temporary workers, and entering workers.

  6. Participate in the investigation, analysis, and burial of casualties, be responsible for the statistics, analysis, and reporting of casualties, and establish archives.

  7, complete other tasks assigned by the leadership.

  job requirements:

  1. Have a strong sense of enterprise and ambition;

  2. Full-time enrollment of undergraduate degree or above, university graduation in 1985 and 211 is preferred; security related majors are preferred;

  3. Post-90s, have good professional ethics;

  4. Unlimited work experience, fresh graduates are preferred;

  5. Able to adapt to frequent business trips

  6. Agree with corporate culture, diligence, dedication, affinity, strong communication skills, strong analytical judgment ability;

  7. Xiao is preferred

Bowei Building, No.1 Xuefu East Road, Xiangfang District, Ha
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